What is List in html? Different types of List .

What is List in html? Different types of List .


In HTML, lists are used to group related items together. They help organize content in a structured and readable way. There are three types of lists in HTML: Ordered Lists (<ol>), Unordered Lists (<ul>), and Definition Lists (<dl>). Each serves a different purpose and has specific characteristics.

1. Ordered Lists (<ol>):

An ordered list is used when the order of items matters. Each item in the list is numbered.


  <li>First item</li>
  <li>Second item</li>
  <li>Third item</li>


  • <ol> stands for “ordered list”.
  • <li> stands for “list item”. Each item in the list is wrapped in an <li> tag.
  • The list items are automatically numbered by the browser.


  • type: Specifies the type of numbering (e.g., 1, A, a, I, i).
  • start: Specifies the starting number for the list.
  • reversed: Reverses the order of the list.


<ol type="A" start="3">
  <li>Item A</li>
  <li>Item B</li>
  <li>Item C</li>

2. Unordered Lists (<ul>):

An unordered list is used when the order of items does not matter. Each item is marked with a bullet point.


  <li>First item</li>
  <li>Second item</li>
  <li>Third item</li>


  • <ul> stands for “unordered list”.
  • <li> stands for “list item”. Each item in the list is wrapped in an <li> tag.
  • The list items are marked with bullet points by default.


  • type: Specifies the type of bullet (e.g., disc, circle, square).


<ul type="square">
  <li>Item 1</li>
  <li>Item 2</li>
  <li>Item 3</li>

3. Definition Lists (<dl>):

A definition list is used to create a list of terms and their definitions.


  <dt>Term 1</dt>
  <dd>Definition of Term 1</dd>
  <dt>Term 2</dt>
  <dd>Definition of Term 2</dd>


  • <dl> stands for “definition list”.
  • <dt> stands for “definition term”. Each term is wrapped in a <dt> tag.
  • <dd> stands for “definition description”. Each definition is wrapped in a <dd> tag.


  <dd>HyperText Markup Language</dd>
  <dd>Cascading Style Sheets</dd>

Nested Lists:

Lists can be nested inside other lists, allowing for complex structures.


  <li>Item 1
      <li>Subitem 1.1</li>
      <li>Subitem 1.2</li>
  <li>Item 2</li>


  • An unordered list is nested inside another unordered list.
  • This creates a hierarchical structure.

Exam Note:

  • Definition: Lists in HTML are used to group related items together in a structured way. The three types of lists are Ordered Lists (<ol>), Unordered Lists (<ul>), and Definition Lists (<dl>).
  • Ordered List (<ol>): Displays items in a numbered format. Use <ol> for the list and <li> for each item. Attributes: type, start, reversed.
  • Unordered List (<ul>): Displays items with bullet points. Use <ul> for the list and <li> for each item. Attribute: type.
  • Definition List (<dl>): Displays terms and their definitions. Use <dl> for the list, <dt> for each term, and <dd> for each definition.
  • Nested Lists: Lists can be nested to create complex structures.

By understanding these concepts, students can effectively use lists to organize content in HTML, enhancing readability and structure.

Example of List (ordered , unordered , definition list)

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>HTML Lists Example</title>
    <h1>HTML Lists Example</h1>

    <!-- Ordered List -->
    <h2>Ordered List</h2>
    <ol type="A" start="3">
        <li>Third item</li>
        <li>Fourth item</li>
        <li>Fifth item</li>

    <!-- Unordered List -->
    <h2>Unordered List</h2>
    <ul type="square">
        <li>First item</li>
        <li>Second item</li>
        <li>Third item</li>

    <!-- Definition List -->
    <h2>Definition List</h2>
        <dd>HyperText Markup Language</dd>
        <dd>Cascading Style Sheets</dd>
        <dd>A programming language commonly used in web development</dd>

    <!-- Nested List -->
    <h2>Nested List</h2>
        <li>Item 1
                <li>Subitem 1.1</li>
                <li>Subitem 1.2</li>
        <li>Item 2
                <li>Subitem 2.1</li>
                <li>Subitem 2.2</li>


here is how the output would look for the given HTML code:

HTML Lists Example

Ordered List

C. Third item

D. Fourth item

E. Fifth item

Unordered List

  • First item
  • Second item
  • Third item

Definition List


  • HyperText Markup Language


  • Cascading Style Sheets


  • A programming language commonly used in web development

Nested List

  • Item 1
    • Subitem 1.1
    • Subitem 1.2
  • Item 2
    1. Subitem 2.1
    2. Subitem 2.2

This will be the visual representation of the lists when the HTML code is rendered in a browser.


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