c++ quiz

C++ Quiz

Quiz 1: Basics of C++ Programming

What does the acronym “C++” stand for?

A. Computer Plus Plus

B. Central Programming Language

C. C Plus Plus

D. Common Programming Language


EXPLANATION: C++ is an extension of the C programming language with object-oriented programming features.

Quiz 2: Data Types in C++

Which of the following is a floating-point data type in C++?

A. int

B. float

C. char

D. double


EXPLANATION: The float data type is used to represent single-precision floating-point numbers in C++.

Quiz 3: Control Statements in C++

What is the purpose of the “if” statement in C++?

OPTION: A. Looping B. Decision Making C. Function Declaration D. Error Handling

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Decision Making

EXPLANATION: The “if” statement is used for conditional execution, allowing the program to make decisions based on a specified condition.

Quiz 4: Functions in C++

Which keyword is used to define a function in C++?

OPTION: A. define B. function C. def D. void


EXPLANATION: The “void” keyword is used to indicate that a function does not return any value.

Quiz 5: Arrays in C++

How do you access the third element in an array named “numbers” in C++?

OPTION: A. numbers[0] B. numbers[2] C. numbers[3] D. numbers(2)

CORRECT ANSWER: B. numbers[2]

EXPLANATION: Array indices in C++ start at 0, so the third element is accessed using the index 2.

Quiz 6: Pointers in C++

What does the “*” symbol represent when used with pointers in C++?

OPTION: A. Address-of operator B. Dereference operator C. Pointer arithmetic operator D. Memory allocation operator

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Dereference operator

EXPLANATION: The “*” symbol is used to access the value stored at the memory address pointed to by a pointer.

Quiz 7: Classes and Objects in C++

In C++, how are member functions of a class declared outside the class definition?

OPTION: A. Using the “public” keyword B. Using the “class” keyword C. Using the “::” scope resolution operator D. Using the “private” keyword

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Using the “::” scope resolution operator

EXPLANATION: Member functions of a class can be defined outside the class using the scope resolution operator “::”.

Quiz 8: Inheritance in C++

What is the term used to describe a class that is derived from another class in C++?

OPTION: A. Parent class B. Subclass C. Superclass D. Derived class

CORRECT ANSWER: D. Derived class

EXPLANATION: In C++, a class that is derived from another class is called a derived class.

Quiz 9: Polymorphism in C++

What is the difference between function overloading and function overriding in C++?

OPTION: A. Overloading involves creating multiple functions with the same name but different parameters; overriding involves providing a new implementation for an inherited function.

B. Overloading involves providing a new implementation for an inherited function; overriding involves creating multiple functions with the same name but different parameters.

C. Overloading and overriding are the same in C++.

D. Overloading and overriding are not supported in C++.

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Overloading involves creating multiple functions with the same name but different parameters; overriding involves providing a new implementation for an inherited function.

EXPLANATION: Function overloading and overriding are distinct concepts in C++.

Quiz 10: Exception Handling in C++

Which keyword is used to catch exceptions in C++?

OPTION: A. catch B. try C. throw D. except


EXPLANATION: The “catch” keyword is used to catch and handle exceptions in C++.

Quiz 11: File Handling in C++

How do you open a file named “example.txt” in C++ for writing?

OPTION: A. open(“example.txt”, “r”) B. open(“example.txt”, “w”) C. open(“example.txt”, “a”) D. open(“example.txt”, “x”)

CORRECT ANSWER: B. open(“example.txt”, “w”)

EXPLANATION: The “w” mode is used for opening a file for writing in C++.

Quiz 12: Dynamic Memory Allocation in C++

Which operator is used for dynamic memory allocation in C++?

OPTION: A. new B. malloc C. allocate D. memalloc


EXPLANATION: The “new” operator is used for dynamic memory allocation in C++.

Quiz 13: Templates in C++

What is the purpose of templates in C++?

OPTION: A. To define constants B. To create generic classes and functions C. To handle exceptions D. To declare arrays

CORRECT ANSWER: B. To create generic classes and functions

EXPLANATION: Templates allow the creation of generic classes and functions in C++ that can work with different data types.

Quiz 14: Standard Template Library (STL) in C++

Which container in the STL is used for implementing a dynamic array?

OPTION: A. vector B. list C. array D. deque


EXPLANATION: The vector container in the STL is used for implementing a dynamic array in C++.

Quiz 15: C++ Standard Library Input/Output

What is the purpose of “cout” in C++?

OPTION: A. Reading from a file B. Writing to the console C. Allocating memory D. Sorting elements

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Writing to the console

EXPLANATION: “cout” is used for output (writing to the console) in C++.

Quiz 16: C++ Preprocessor Directives

Which directive is used to include the contents of a file in C++?

OPTION: A. #define B. #include C. #ifdef D. #pragma


EXPLANATION: The #include directive is used to include the contents of a file in C++.

Quiz 17: C++ Multithreading

What is the purpose of the “mutex” in C++ multithreading?

OPTION: A. Memory allocation B. Exception handling C. Thread synchronization D. File I/O

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Thread synchronization

EXPLANATION: The “mutex” is used for providing mutual exclusion and ensuring thread synchronization in C++ multithreading.

Quiz 18: C++ Lambda Expressions

What is a lambda expression in C++?

OPTION: A. A user-defined function B. A built-in operator C. An anonymous function D. A conditional statement

CORRECT ANSWER: C. An anonymous function

EXPLANATION: Lambda expressions in C++ allow the creation of anonymous functions.

Quiz 19: C++ Smart Pointers

Which smart pointer in C++ is used for shared ownership?

OPTION: A. unique_ptr B. weak_ptr C. auto_ptr D. shared_ptr

CORRECT ANSWER: D. shared_ptr

EXPLANATION:shared_ptr is a smart pointer in C++ that provides shared ownership of dynamically allocated objects.

Quiz 20: C++ Best Practices and Optimization

What is the purpose of the “const” keyword in C++?

OPTION: A. To declare a constant variable B. To indicate a variable is uninitialized C. To define a function D. To specify a loop condition

CORRECT ANSWER: A. To declare a constant variable

EXPLANATION: The “const” keyword is used to declare a constant variable in C++.

Quiz 21: C++ Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

What is encapsulation in C++?

OPTION: A. Inheritance mechanism B. Hiding the implementation details and exposing the interface C. Dynamic memory allocation D. Function overloading

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Hiding the implementation details and exposing the interface

EXPLANATION: Encapsulation involves bundling data and methods that operate on the data, while hiding the internal details from the outside world.

Quiz 22: C++ Operator Overloading

What is operator overloading in C++?

OPTION: A. Using operators for arithmetic operations only B. Creating new operators C. Defining the behavior of existing operators for user-defined types D. Disabling the use of certain operators

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Defining the behavior of existing operators for user-defined types

EXPLANATION: Operator overloading allows defining how operators behave for user-defined types.

Quiz 23: C++ Type Casting

Which type of casting in C++ is considered safer and is checked at runtime?

OPTION: A. static_cast B. dynamic_cast C. reinterpret_cast D. const_cast

CORRECT ANSWER: B. dynamic_cast

EXPLANATION:dynamic_cast is a safer type of casting that is checked at runtime in C++.

Quiz 24: C++ Standard Template Library (STL) Algorithms

Which algorithm in the STL is used for searching a range of elements in a container?

OPTION: A. find B. search C. locate D. locate_range


EXPLANATION: The search algorithm in the STL is used for finding a range of elements in a container.

Quiz 25: C++ Exception Specifications

What is the purpose of exception specifications in C++?

OPTION: A. Handling exceptions B. Specifying the types of exceptions that a function can throw C. Allocating memory D. Defining global variables

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Specifying the types of exceptions that a function can throw

EXPLANATION: Exception specifications in C++ define the types of exceptions that a function can throw.

Quiz 26: C++ Memory Management Strategies

What is a memory leak in C++?

OPTION: A. Allocating too much memory B. Incorrect use of pointers C. Failure to deallocate memory, leading to a loss of available memory D. Excessive use of dynamic memory allocation

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Failure to deallocate memory, leading to a loss of available memory

EXPLANATION: A memory leak occurs when allocated memory is not properly deallocated, causing a loss of available memory.

Quiz 27: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Manipulators

What does the “setw” manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Sets the precision of floating-point numbers C. Skips characters in input D. Converts characters to uppercase

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Sets the width of the output field

EXPLANATION: The “setw” manipulator in C++ is used to set the width of the output field.

Quiz 28: C++ Threading Synchronization

What is the purpose of a semaphore in C++ multithreading?

OPTION: A. Allocating memory B. Signaling the start of a thread C. Synchronizing access to shared resources D. Handling exceptions

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Synchronizing access to shared resources

EXPLANATION: Semaphores are used for synchronizing access to shared resources in multithreading.

Quiz 29: C++ Move Semantics

What is the purpose of move semantics in C++?

OPTION: A. Efficiently transfer ownership of resources B. Allocating memory C. Handling exceptions D. Reducing the scope of a variable

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Efficiently transfer ownership of resources

EXPLANATION: Move semantics in C++ allow for the efficient transfer of ownership of resources, such as dynamically allocated memory.

Quiz 30: C++ Smart Pointers (Part 2)

In C++, what does the “make_shared” function do?

OPTION: A. Allocates memory B. Creates a shared pointer and allocates memory for an object C. Releases memory D. Deletes a shared pointer

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Creates a shared pointer and allocates memory for an object

EXPLANATION: The “make_shared” function in C++ creates a shared pointer and allocates memory for an object.

Quiz 31: C++ Lambda Expressions (Part 2)

What is a capture list in a C++ lambda expression?

OPTION: A. A list of predefined functions B. A list of variables from the enclosing scope that the lambda can access C. A list of lambda parameters D. A list of reserved keywords

CORRECT ANSWER: B. A list of variables from the enclosing scope that the lambda can access

EXPLANATION: The capture list in a C++ lambda expression specifies which variables from the enclosing scope the lambda can access.

Quiz 32: C++ Regular Expressions

Which header file is used for regular expressions in C++?

OPTION: A. <regex.h> B. <regex> C. <regexp> D. <re.h>


EXPLANATION: The <regex> header file is used for regular expressions in C++.

Quiz 33: C++ Threading Mutex Types

What is the difference between std::mutex and std::recursive_mutex in C++?

OPTION: A. std::mutex is not thread-safe; std::recursive_mutex allows recursive locking by the same thread. B. std::mutex allows recursive locking by the same thread; std::recursive_mutex is not thread-safe. C. Both std::mutex and std::recursive_mutex allow recursive locking by the same thread. D. Neither std::mutex nor std::recursive_mutex allows recursive locking.

CORRECT ANSWER: A. std::mutex is not thread-safe; std::recursive_mutex allows recursive locking by the same thread.

EXPLANATION:std::mutex is not designed for recursive locking, while std::recursive_mutex allows the same thread to lock it recursively.

Quiz 34: C++ Move Semantics (Part 2)

What is the purpose of std::move in C++?

OPTION: A. Moves the object to a different memory location B. Converts an object to a constant C. Marks an object as constant D. Removes the object from memory

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Moves the object to a different memory location

EXPLANATION:std::move is used to indicate that an object can be moved to a different memory location.

Quiz 35: C++ Smart Pointers (Part 3)

What is the purpose of std::weak_ptr in C++?

OPTION: A. Strong ownership of a dynamically allocated object B. Weak ownership of a dynamically allocated object without affecting its lifetime C. Deleting a dynamically allocated object D. Allocating memory for an object

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Weak ownership of a dynamically allocated object without affecting its lifetime

EXPLANATION:std::weak_ptr provides non-owning, weak references to a dynamically allocated object without affecting its lifetime.

Quiz 36: C++ Type Traits

What is the purpose of std::is_same in C++ type traits?

OPTION: A. Checks if two types are the same B. Compares the size of two types C. Allocates memory for a type D. Converts one type to another

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Checks if two types are the same

EXPLANATION:std::is_same in C++ type traits is used to check if two types are the same.

Quiz 37: C++ File Handling (Part 2)

What is the purpose of std::fstream in C++?

OPTION: A. Reading from the console B. Reading from a file C. Writing to the console D. Reading and writing to files

CORRECT ANSWER: D. Reading and writing to files

EXPLANATION:std::fstream in C++ is used for both reading and writing to files.

Quiz 38: C++ Multithreading Atomic Operations

What is the purpose of std::atomic in C++?

OPTION: A. Allocates memory B. Performs atomic operations on shared variables without the need for locks C. Throws exceptions D. Defines thread priorities

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Performs atomic operations on shared variables without the need for locks

EXPLANATION:std::atomic in C++ provides atomic operations on shared variables without the need for locks.

Quiz 39: C++ Standard Library Containers (Part 2)

Which container in the STL is implemented as a double-ended queue?

OPTION: A. vector B. list C. array D. deque


EXPLANATION: The deque container in the STL is implemented as a double-ended queue.

Quiz 40: C++ Multithreading Condition Variables

What is the purpose of std::condition_variable in C++?

OPTION: A. Allocates memory B. Coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition C. Performs mathematical operations D. Manages file I/O operations

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition

EXPLANATION:std::condition_variable in C++ is used to coordinate the execution of threads based on a condition.

Quiz 41: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 2)

Which algorithm in the STL is used to find the first occurrence of an element in a range?

OPTION: A. locate B. search C. find D. detect


EXPLANATION: The find algorithm in the STL is used to find the first occurrence of an element in a range.

Quiz 42: C++ Multithreading Futures

What is the purpose of std::future in C++?

OPTION: A. Allocates memory for a future task B. Represents the result of an asynchronous operation C. Defines the priority of a thread D. Performs arithmetic operations

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Represents the result of an asynchronous operation

EXPLANATION:std::future in C++ represents the result of an asynchronous operation.

Quiz 43: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Formatting

What is the purpose of std::setw in C++ I/O formatting?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Sets the precision of floating-point numbers C. Skips characters in input D. Converts characters to uppercase

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Sets the width of the output field

EXPLANATION:std::setw is used to set the width of the output field in C++ I/O formatting.

Quiz 44: C++ Parallel Algorithms

What is the purpose of std::for_each in C++ parallel algorithms?

OPTION: A. Performs a parallel reduction operation B. Applies a function to each element in a range in parallel C. Sorts elements in parallel D. Allocates memory in parallel

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Applies a function to each element in a range in parallel

EXPLANATION:std::for_each in C++ parallel algorithms applies a function to each element in a range in parallel.

Quiz 45: C++ Functional Programming

What is a lambda capture by reference in C++?

OPTION: A. Captures variables by value B. Captures variables by reference C. Captures only local variables D. Captures variables in a static context

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Captures variables by reference

EXPLANATION: Lambda capture by reference in C++ captures variables by reference, allowing modifications to the original variables.

Quiz 46: C++ Concepts

What is the purpose of concepts in C++?

OPTION: A. Defining mathematical concepts B. Specifying requirements on template parameters C. Allocating memory for generic types D. Handling runtime exceptions

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Specifying requirements on template parameters

EXPLANATION: Concepts in C++ specify requirements on template parameters, enabling better template constraints.

Quiz 47: C++ Thread Pools

What is the advantage of using a thread pool in C++?

OPTION: A. Reducing the number of available threads B. Increasing memory consumption C. Reusing existing threads for multiple tasks D. Creating a new thread for each task

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Reusing existing threads for multiple tasks

EXPLANATION: Thread pools in C++ reuse existing threads for multiple tasks, improving efficiency.

Quiz 48: C++ Rvalue References

What is the purpose of an rvalue reference in C++?

OPTION: A. Provides a reference to a constant object B. Represents an unnamed temporary object C. Allows modification of a constant object D. Specifies a constant reference to an object

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Represents an unnamed temporary object

EXPLANATION:Rvalue references in C++ are used to bind to temporary objects, allowing efficient resource transfer.

Quiz 49: C++ Design Patterns

What is the Observer design pattern in C++?

OPTION: A. A pattern for creating objects B. A pattern for defining algorithms C. A pattern for communication between objects D. A pattern for controlling access to an object

CORRECT ANSWER: C. A pattern for communication between objects

EXPLANATION: The Observer design pattern in C++ facilitates communication between objects by defining a one-to-many dependency.

Quiz 50: C++ Memory Model

What is the memory model in C++?

OPTION: A. Defines the layout of objects in memory B. Specifies the types of variables C. Allocates memory for objects D. Manages memory leaks

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Defines the layout of objects in memory

EXPLANATION: The memory model in C++ defines how objects are laid out in memory, including their alignment and ordering.

Quiz 51: C++ Standard Library Chrono

Q51. How is duration represented in the C++ <chrono> library?

OPTION: A. Seconds B. Milliseconds C. Nanoseconds D. All of the above

CORRECT ANSWER: D. All of the above

EXPLANATION: The <chrono> library in C++ represents duration in seconds, milliseconds, and nanoseconds, providing flexibility in time measurements.

Quiz 52: C++ String Handling

Q52. In C++, what function is used to find the length of a string?

OPTION: A. strlen() B. length() C. size() D. count()


EXPLANATION: The size() function in C++ is used to find the length of a string.

Quiz 53: C++ Random Number Generation

Q53. How can you generate a random integer between 1 and 100 in C++?

OPTION: A. rand() % 100 + 1 B. random() % 100 + 1 C. rand() % 101 D. random() % 101

CORRECT ANSWER: A. rand() % 100 + 1

EXPLANATION: The expression rand() % 100 + 1 generates a random integer between 1 and 100 in C++.

Quiz 54: C++ Multithreading Task-based Parallelism

Q54. What is the purpose of std::async in C++ for task-based parallelism?

OPTION: A. Allocates memory for tasks B. Executes a function asynchronously and returns a future C. Defines thread priorities D. Performs file I/O operations

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Executes a function asynchronously and returns a future

EXPLANATION:std::async in C++ is used for executing a function asynchronously and obtaining a future representing the result.

Quiz 55: C++ Debugging Techniques

Q55. What is the purpose of a breakpoint in a C++ debugger?

OPTION: A. Marks the end of a loop B. Halts program execution at a specific point for inspection C. Specifies the start of a function D. Skips a section of code during debugging

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Halts program execution at a specific point for inspection

EXPLANATION: A breakpoint in a C++ debugger halts program execution at a specific point, allowing developers to inspect variables and code.

Quiz 56: C++ Multi-threading Parallel Algorithms

Q56. Which header file should be included for using parallel algorithms in C++?

OPTION: A. <thread> B. <algorithm> C. <parallel> D. <execution>

CORRECT ANSWER: D. <execution>

EXPLANATION: The <execution> header file is used for including parallel algorithms in C++.

Quiz 57: C++ Stack vs. Heap Memory

Q57. What is the key difference between stack and heap memory in C++?

OPTION: A. Stack memory is dynamically allocated, while heap memory is static. B. Stack memory is managed by the programmer, while heap memory is managed by the operating system. C. Stack memory is limited in size and has a fixed allocation, while heap memory is more flexible and dynamic. D. Stack memory is only used for local variables, while heap memory is used for global variables.

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Stack memory is limited in size and has a fixed allocation, while heap memory is more flexible and dynamic.

EXPLANATION: Stack memory has a fixed size and is used for local variables, while heap memory is dynamic and more flexible.

Quiz 58: C++ Lambda Capture Modes

Q58. In C++ lambda expressions, what does [&] in the capture clause indicate?

OPTION: A. Captures variables by value B. Captures variables by reference C. Captures only local variables D. Captures variables in a static context

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Captures variables by reference

EXPLANATION:[&] in a C++ lambda expression captures variables by reference.

Quiz 59: C++ Function Pointers

Q59. How is a function pointer declared in C++?

OPTION: A. void pointerFunction(); B. int (*funcPointer)(); C. double functionPointer(); D. char &functionPointer;

CORRECT ANSWER: B. int (*funcPointer)();

EXPLANATION:int (*funcPointer)(); declares a function pointer that points to a function returning an integer.

Quiz 60: C++ Inline Functions

Q60. What is the purpose of declaring a function as inline in C++?

OPTION: A. Reduces code duplication B. Enables recursive calls C. Increases program size D. Allows dynamic linking

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Reduces code duplication

EXPLANATION: Declaring a function as inline in C++ reduces code duplication by inserting the function code directly where it is called, potentially improving performance.

Quiz 61: C++ Smart Pointers (Part 4)

Q61. What is the purpose of std::unique_ptr in C++?

OPTION: A. Provides shared ownership of dynamically allocated objects B. Allows multiple pointers to share ownership of an object C. Manages ownership of a single dynamically allocated object D. Represents a non-owning reference to an object

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Manages ownership of a single dynamically allocated object

EXPLANATION:std::unique_ptr in C++ manages ownership of a single dynamically allocated object and ensures it is deleted when the pointer goes out of scope.

Quiz 62: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Manipulators (Part 2)

Q62. What does the std::setprecision manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Sets the precision of floating-point numbers C. Skips characters in input D. Converts characters to uppercase

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Sets the precision of floating-point numbers

EXPLANATION: The std::setprecision manipulator in C++ is used to set the precision of floating-point numbers during output.

Quiz 63: C++ Concepts (Part 2)

Q63. In C++ concepts, what is a requires-clause used for?

OPTION: A. Defining mathematical concepts B. Specifying requirements on template parameters C. Allocating memory for generic types D. Handling runtime exceptions

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Specifying requirements on template parameters

EXPLANATION: The requires-clause in C++ concepts is used to specify requirements on template parameters.

Quiz 64: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 3)

Q64. What does the std::count_if algorithm in C++ do?

OPTION: A. Counts the number of elements in a range B. Counts the number of elements satisfying a condition in a range C. Searches for a specific element in a range D. Sorts elements in a range

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Counts the number of elements satisfying a condition in a range

EXPLANATION: The std::count_if algorithm in C++ counts the number of elements in a range that satisfy a given condition.

Quiz 65: C++ File Handling (Part 3)

Q65. How do you check if a file stream (std::ifstream) is open in C++?

OPTION: A. Using the is_open() member function B. Using the open() member function C. Using the close() member function D. Using the read() member function

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Using the is_open() member function

EXPLANATION: The is_open() member function in C++ is used to check if an std::ifstream is open.

Quiz 66: C++ Design Patterns (Part 2)

Q66. What is the Singleton design pattern in C++?

OPTION: A. A pattern for creating objects B. A pattern for defining algorithms C. A pattern for communication between objects D. A pattern for ensuring a class has only one instance and providing a global point of access to it

CORRECT ANSWER: D. A pattern for ensuring a class has only one instance and providing a global point of access to it

EXPLANATION: The Singleton design pattern in C++ ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it.

Quiz 67: C++ Standard Library Containers (Part 3)

Q67. Which STL container is implemented as a dynamic array that can grow or shrink dynamically?

OPTION: A. std::vector B. std::list C. std::deque D. std::set

CORRECT ANSWER: A. std::vector

EXPLANATION:std::vector in the STL is implemented as a dynamic array that can grow or shrink dynamically.

Quiz 68: C++ Threading Mutex Types (Part 2)

Q68. What is the difference between std::mutex and std::unique_lock in C++?

OPTION: A. std::mutex is used for locking, while std::unique_lock is used for unlocking. B. std::mutex allows recursive locking, while std::unique_lock does not. C. std::unique_lock is a more flexible and feature-rich lock. D. std::unique_lock is only used in single-threaded applications.

CORRECT ANSWER: C. std::unique_lock is a more flexible and feature-rich lock.

EXPLANATION:std::unique_lock in C++ provides more flexibility and features compared to std::mutex, such as deferred locking and timed locking.

Quiz 69: C++ Error Handling

Q69. How is an exception caught using the try and catch blocks in C++?

OPTION: A. try(exceptionType) B. try { /* code */ } catch (exceptionType) { /* handler */ } C. catch(exceptionType) D. catch { /* handler */ }

CORRECT ANSWER: B. try { /* code */ } catch (exceptionType) { /* handler */ }

EXPLANATION: In C++, exceptions are caught using a try block to enclose the code that may throw an exception, followed by a catch block specifying the exception type and the corresponding handler.

Quiz 70: C++ Thread Safety

Q70. What is the purpose of a mutex in achieving thread safety in C++?

OPTION: A. Allocates memory for threads B. Provides thread priority C. Synchronizes access to shared resources D. Handles exceptions in threads

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Synchronizes access to shared resources

EXPLANATION: A mutex in C++ is used to synchronize access to shared resources among multiple threads, ensuring thread safety.

Quiz 71: C++ Standard Template Library (STL) Iterators

Q71. What is the purpose of an iterator in C++ STL?

OPTION: A. To define a function B. To represent an index in an array C. To traverse and access elements in a container D. To allocate memory for a container

CORRECT ANSWER: C. To traverse and access elements in a container

EXPLANATION: In C++ STL, iterators are used to traverse and access elements in a container.

Quiz 72: C++ Lambda Expressions (Part 3)

Q72. What is a lambda capture by value in C++?

OPTION: A. Captures variables by reference B. Captures variables by value C. Captures only local variables D. Captures variables in a static context

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Captures variables by value

EXPLANATION: Lambda capture by value in C++ captures variables by copying their values, allowing modifications within the lambda without affecting the original variables.

Quiz 73: C++ Move Semantics (Part 3)

Q73. When should you use std::move in C++?

OPTION: A. To make a variable constant B. To indicate a variable is uninitialized C. To efficiently transfer ownership of resources D. To create a new thread

CORRECT ANSWER: C. To efficiently transfer ownership of resources

EXPLANATION:std::move in C++ is used to indicate that an object can be efficiently moved or transferred to another location, such as when transferring ownership of resources.

Quiz 74: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Formatting (Part 2)

Q74. What does the std::fixed manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Fixes the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers C. Skips characters in input D. Converts characters to uppercase

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Fixes the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers

EXPLANATION: The std::fixed manipulator in C++ is used to fix the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers during output.

Quiz 75: C++ Smart Pointers (Part 5)

Q75. What is the purpose of std::shared_ptr in C++?

OPTION: A. Manages ownership of a single dynamically allocated object B. Provides weak ownership of a dynamically allocated object C. Allows multiple pointers to share ownership of an object D. Represents a non-owning reference to an object

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Allows multiple pointers to share ownership of an object

EXPLANATION:std::shared_ptr in C++ allows multiple pointers to share ownership of a dynamically allocated object, ensuring it is deleted when the last shared pointer is destroyed.

Quiz 76: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 4)

Q76. What does the std::transform algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Transforms a container by removing elements B. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element C. Searches for a specific element in a container D. Sorts elements in a container

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

EXPLANATION: The std::transform algorithm in C++ transforms a container by applying a function to each element.

Quiz 77: C++ Threading Condition Variables (Part 2)

Q77. What is the purpose of std::condition_variable_any in C++?

OPTION: A. Allocates memory B. Coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition for any lockable type C. Performs mathematical operations D. Manages file I/O operations

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition for any lockable type

EXPLANATION:std::condition_variable_any in C++ coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition for any lockable type.

Quiz 78: C++ Type Traits (Part 2)

Q78. What does std::is_pod check in C++ type traits?

OPTION: A. Checks if a type is a pointer B. Checks if a type is a plain old data type C. Checks if a type is a class D. Checks if a type is a template

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Checks if a type is a plain old data type

EXPLANATION:std::is_pod in C++ type traits checks if a type is a plain old data type.

Quiz 79: C++ Exception Handling (Part 2)

Q79. What is the purpose of the std::exception class in C++?

OPTION: A. Defines custom exceptions B. Represents the base class for all standard exceptions C. Handles file I/O exceptions D. Allocates memory for exceptions

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Represents the base class for all standard exceptions

EXPLANATION: The std::exception class in C++ is the base class for all standard exceptions, allowing catch blocks to catch any standard exception.

Quiz 80: C++ Standard Library Containers (Part 4)

Q80. What is the difference between std::map and std::unordered_map in C++?

OPTION: A. std::map is ordered, while std::unordered_map is unordered B. std::unordered_map is implemented as a linked list C. Both std::map and std::unordered_map use the same hashing strategy D. std::map allows duplicate keys, while std::unordered_map does not

CORRECT ANSWER: A. std::map is ordered, while std::unordered_map is unordered

EXPLANATION:std::map in C++ is ordered, while std::unordered_map is unordered, meaning the elements in std::map are sorted by key.

Quiz 81: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 5)

Q81. What is the purpose of std::binary_search in C++?

OPTION: A. Searches for a specific element in a sorted range B. Sorts elements in a range C. Counts the number of elements in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Searches for a specific element in a sorted range

EXPLANATION:std::binary_search in C++ is used to search for a specific element in a sorted range.

Quiz 82: C++ Regular Expressions (Part 2)

Q82. What is the purpose of the std::regex_match function in C++?

OPTION: A. Searches for a regular expression pattern in a string B. Matches a regular expression pattern against an entire string C. Replaces occurrences of a regular expression pattern in a string D. Splits a string based on a regular expression pattern

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Matches a regular expression pattern against an entire string

EXPLANATION: The std::regex_match function in C++ is used to match a regular expression pattern against an entire string.

Quiz 83: C++ Smart Pointers (Part 6)

Q83. What is the purpose of std::weak_ptr in C++?

OPTION: A. Manages ownership of a single dynamically allocated object B. Provides weak ownership of a dynamically allocated object without affecting its lifetime C. Allows multiple pointers to share ownership of an object D. Represents a non-owning reference to an object

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Provides weak ownership of a dynamically allocated object without affecting its lifetime

EXPLANATION:std::weak_ptr in C++ provides weak ownership of a dynamically allocated object without affecting its lifetime, often used to prevent circular references.

Quiz 84: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Manipulators (Part 3)

Q84. What does the std::hex manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Converts integers to hexadecimal format during output C. Skips characters in input D. Converts characters to uppercase

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Converts integers to hexadecimal format during output

EXPLANATION: The std::hex manipulator in C++ is used to convert integers to hexadecimal format during output.

Quiz 85: C++ Multithreading Futures (Part 2)

Q85. What is the purpose of std::promise in C++?

OPTION: A. Represents the result of an asynchronous operation B. Stores a value or an exception to be retrieved by a std::future C. Coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition D. Defines the priority of a thread

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Stores a value or an exception to be retrieved by a std::future

EXPLANATION:std::promise in C++ is used to store a value or an exception that can be retrieved by a corresponding std::future.

Quiz 86: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 6)

Q86. What does the std::reverse algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Reverses the order of elements in a range C. Searches for a specific element in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Reverses the order of elements in a range

EXPLANATION: The std::reverse algorithm in C++ is used to reverse the order of elements in a range.

Quiz 87: C++ Standard Library Chrono (Part 2)

Q87. How do you represent a duration of 2 seconds using std::chrono in C++?

OPTION: A. std::chrono::duration<int>(2) B. std::chrono::duration<double>(2) C. std::chrono::duration<long long>(2) D. std::chrono::seconds(2)

CORRECT ANSWER: D. std::chrono::seconds(2)

EXPLANATION: In C++, std::chrono::seconds(2) represents a duration of 2 seconds.

Quiz 88: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Formatting (Part 3)

Q88. What is the purpose of the std::left manipulator in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Aligns output to the left within the output field C. Skips characters in input D. Converts characters to uppercase

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Aligns output to the left within the output field

EXPLANATION: The std::left manipulator in C++ is used to align output to the left within the output field.

Quiz 89: C++ Concepts (Part 3)

Q89. In C++ concepts, what is the purpose of the requires clause?

OPTION: A. Defines mathematical concepts B. Specifies requirements on template parameters C. Allocates memory for generic types D. Handles runtime exceptions

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Specifies requirements on template parameters

EXPLANATION: The requires clause in C++ concepts is used to specify requirements on template parameters.

Quiz 90: C++ Standard Library Threading (Part 2)

Q90. What is the purpose of std::this_thread::sleep_for in C++?

OPTION: A. Terminates the current thread B. Delays the execution of the current thread for a specified duration C. Retrieves the ID of the current thread D. Pauses the execution of the current thread until notified

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Delays the execution of the current thread for a specified duration

EXPLANATION:std::this_thread::sleep_for in C++ is used to delay the execution of the current thread for a specified duration.

Quiz 91: C++ Standard Library String (Part 2)

Q91. How do you concatenate two strings in C++?

OPTION: A. Using the merge() function B. Using the combine() function C. Using the concat() function D. Using the + operator

CORRECT ANSWER: D. Using the + operator

EXPLANATION: In C++, you can concatenate two strings using the + operator.

Quiz 92: C++ Multithreading Promise and Future (Part 2)

Q92. What is the purpose of std::shared_future in C++?

OPTION: A. Represents the result of an asynchronous operation B. Stores a value or an exception to be retrieved by a std::future C. Allows multiple pointers to share ownership of an object D. Provides a shared state for multiple futures

CORRECT ANSWER: D. Provides a shared state for multiple futures

EXPLANATION:std::shared_future in C++ provides a shared state for multiple futures, allowing multiple futures to share the same result.

Quiz 93: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Manipulators (Part 4)

Q93. What does the std::boolalpha manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Formats boolean values as “true” or “false” during output C. Skips characters in input D. Converts characters to uppercase

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Formats boolean values as “true” or “false” during output

EXPLANATION: The std::boolalpha manipulator in C++ formats boolean values as “true” or “false” during output.

Quiz 94: C++ Regular Expressions (Part 3)

Q94. What is the purpose of the std::regex_replace function in C++?

OPTION: A. Searches for a regular expression pattern in a string B. Matches a regular expression pattern against an entire string C. Replaces occurrences of a regular expression pattern in a string D. Splits a string based on a regular expression pattern

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Replaces occurrences of a regular expression pattern in a string

EXPLANATION: The std::regex_replace function in C++ is used to replace occurrences of a regular expression pattern in a string.

Quiz 95: C++ Standard Library Threading (Part 3)

Q95. What is the purpose of std::condition_variable in C++?

OPTION: A. Allocates memory B. Coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition C. Performs mathematical operations D. Manages file I/O operations

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition

EXPLANATION:std::condition_variable in C++ coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition, allowing threads to wait until a certain condition is met.

Quiz 96: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 7)

Q96. What does the std::max_element algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Finds the maximum value in a range B. Finds the first occurrence of an element in a range C. Sorts elements in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Finds the maximum value in a range

EXPLANATION: The std::max_element algorithm in C++ is used to find the maximum value in a range.

Quiz 97: C++ Standard Library Containers (Part 5)

Q97. What is the purpose of std::stack in C++?

OPTION: A. Represents a dynamic array B. Represents a linked list C. Represents a last-in, first-out (LIFO) container D. Represents a first-in, first-out (FIFO) container

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Represents a last-in, first-out (LIFO) container

EXPLANATION:std::stack in C++ represents a last-in, first-out (LIFO) container.

Quiz 98: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Formatting (Part 4)

Q98. What does the std::uppercase manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Fixes the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers C. Converts characters to uppercase D. Aligns output to the left within the output field

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Converts characters to uppercase

EXPLANATION: The std::uppercase manipulator in C++ is used to convert characters to uppercase during output.

Quiz 99: C++ Smart Pointers (Part 7)

Q99. What is the purpose of std::make_unique in C++?

OPTION: A. Provides shared ownership of dynamically allocated objects B. Allocates memory for a single dynamically allocated object C. Allows multiple pointers to share ownership of an object D. Represents a non-owning reference to an object

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Allocates memory for a single dynamically allocated object

EXPLANATION:std::make_unique in C++ is used to allocate memory for a single dynamically allocated object and returns a std::unique_ptr owning that object.

Quiz 100: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 8)

Q100. What does the std::partition algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Partitions elements in a range based on a condition C. Finds the maximum value in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Partitions elements in a range based on a condition

EXPLANATION: The std::partition algorithm in C++ is used to partition elements in a range based on a condition.

Quiz 101: C++ Standard Library Threading (Part 4)

Q101. What is the purpose of std::async in C++ for deferred execution?

OPTION: A. Allocates memory for tasks B. Executes a function asynchronously and returns a future C. Defines thread priorities D. Performs file I/O operations

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Executes a function asynchronously and returns a future

EXPLANATION:std::async in C++ is used for executing a function asynchronously and returns a std::future representing the result. This allows deferred execution of the function.

Quiz 102: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Manipulators (Part 5)

Q102. What does the std::setw manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Fixes the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers C. Converts characters to uppercase D. Aligns output to the left within the output field

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Sets the width of the output field

EXPLANATION: The std::setw manipulator in C++ is used to set the width of the output field.

Quiz 103: C++ Standard Library File I/O (Part 2)

Q103. How do you check if a file exists in C++?

OPTION: A. Using the file_exists() function B. Using the exists() function in the <filesystem> header C. Checking the file size D. Reading the contents of the file

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Using the exists() function in the <filesystem> header

EXPLANATION: In C++, you can check if a file exists using the exists() function provided by the <filesystem> header.

Quiz 104: C++ Standard Library String (Part 3)

Q104. What is the purpose of the std::stoi function in C++?

OPTION: A. Converts a string to an integer B. Converts a string to a double C. Converts a string to uppercase D. Converts a string to a boolean

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Converts a string to an integer

EXPLANATION: The std::stoi function in C++ is used to convert a string to an integer.

Quiz 105: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 9)

Q105. What does the std::nth_element algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Finds the nth smallest element in a range C. Partitions elements in a range based on a condition D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Finds the nth smallest element in a range

EXPLANATION: The std::nth_element algorithm in C++ is used to rearrange elements in a range such that the nth smallest element is at the nth position.

Quiz 106: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Formatting (Part 5)

Q106. What does the std::scientific manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Fixes the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers C. Converts integers to scientific notation during output D. Converts characters to uppercase

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Converts integers to scientific notation during output

EXPLANATION: The std::scientific manipulator in C++ is used to convert floating-point numbers to scientific notation during output.

Quiz 107: C++ Standard Library Containers (Part 6)

Q107. What is the purpose of std::queue in C++?

OPTION: A. Represents a dynamic array B. Represents a linked list C. Represents a last-in, first-out (LIFO) container D. Represents a first-in, first-out (FIFO) container

CORRECT ANSWER: D. Represents a first-in, first-out (FIFO) container

EXPLANATION:std::queue in C++ represents a first-in, first-out (FIFO) container.

Quiz 108: C++ Multithreading Condition Variables (Part 3)

Q108. What is the purpose of std::condition_variable in C++ with std::unique_lock?

OPTION: A. Allocates memory B. Coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition C. Performs mathematical operations D. Manages file I/O operations

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition

EXPLANATION:std::condition_variable in C++ with std::unique_lock coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition, allowing threads to wait until a certain condition is met.

Quiz 109: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 10)

Q109. What does the std::minmax_element algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Finds the minimum element in a range B. Finds the maximum element in a range C. Finds the range of elements between the minimum and maximum D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Finds the range of elements between the minimum and maximum

EXPLANATION: The std::minmax_element algorithm in C++ is used to find the range of elements between the minimum and maximum in a range.

Quiz 110: C++ Standard Library Threading (Part 5)

Q110. What is the purpose of std::thread in C++?

OPTION: A. Allocates memory for threads B. Coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition C. Defines thread priorities D. Represents a single thread of execution

CORRECT ANSWER: D. Represents a single thread of execution

EXPLANATION:std::thread in C++ is used to represent a single thread of execution.

Quiz 111: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Formatting (Part 6)

Q111. What does the std::internal manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Fixes the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers C. Aligns output to the left within the output field D. Converts integers to hexadecimal format during output

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Aligns output to the left within the output field

EXPLANATION: The std::internal manipulator in C++ is used to align output to the left within the output field.

Quiz 112: C++ Standard Library String (Part 4)

Q112. What is the purpose of the std::to_string function in C++?

OPTION: A. Converts a string to an integer B. Converts an integer to a string C. Converts a string to a double D. Converts a double to a string

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Converts an integer to a string

EXPLANATION: The std::to_string function in C++ is used to convert an integer to a string.

Quiz 113: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 11)

Q113. What does the std::all_of algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Checks if all elements in a range satisfy a condition B. Checks if any element in a range satisfies a condition C. Sorts elements in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Checks if all elements in a range satisfy a condition

EXPLANATION: The std::all_of algorithm in C++ checks if all elements in a range satisfy a given condition.

Quiz 114: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Manipulators (Part 7)

Q114. What does the std::showpos manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Fixes the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers C. Shows the positive sign for numeric values during output D. Converts integers to scientific notation during output

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Shows the positive sign for numeric values during output

EXPLANATION: The std::showpos manipulator in C++ is used to show the positive sign for numeric values during output.

Quiz 115: C++ Standard Library File I/O (Part 3)

Q115. How do you write data to a file in C++ using std::ofstream?

OPTION: A. Using the read() member function B. Using the write() member function C. Using the open() member function D. Using the output() member function

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Using the write() member function

EXPLANATION: In C++, you can write data to a file using the write() member function of std::ofstream.

Quiz 116: C++ Standard Library Chrono (Part 3)

Q116. How do you represent a duration of 500 milliseconds using std::chrono in C++?

OPTION: A. std::chrono::duration<int>(500) B. std::chrono::duration<double>(500) C. std::chrono::milliseconds(500) D. std::chrono::nanoseconds(500)

CORRECT ANSWER: C. std::chrono::milliseconds(500)

EXPLANATION: In C++, std::chrono::milliseconds(500) represents a duration of 500 milliseconds.

Quiz 117: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 12)

Q117. What does the std::accumulate algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Accumulates the values in a range using a binary operator C. Finds the maximum value in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Accumulates the values in a range using a binary operator

EXPLANATION: The std::accumulate algorithm in C++ is used to accumulate the values in a range using a binary operator.

Quiz 118: C++ Standard Library String (Part 5)

Q118. How do you check if a string starts with a specific substring in C++?

OPTION: A. Using the substring() function B. Using the starts_with() function in C++20 and later C. Comparing characters manually D. Using the find() function

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Using the starts_with() function in C++20 and later

EXPLANATION: In C++20 and later, you can use the starts_with() function to check if a string starts with a specific substring.

Quiz 119: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Formatting (Part 8)

Q119. What does the std::noshowpos manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Fixes the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers C. Hides the positive sign for numeric values during output D. Converts integers to scientific notation during output

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Hides the positive sign for numeric values during output

EXPLANATION: The std::noshowpos manipulator in C++ is used to hide the positive sign for numeric values during output.

Quiz 120: C++ Standard Library Threading (Part 6)

Q120. What is the purpose of std::mutex in C++?

OPTION: A. Allocates memory for threads B. Provides thread priority C. Synchronizes access to shared resources D. Handles exceptions in threads

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Synchronizes access to shared resources

EXPLANATION:std::mutex in C++ is used to synchronize access to shared resources among multiple threads, ensuring thread safety.

Quiz 121: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 13)

Q121. What does the std::reverse_copy algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Reverses the order of elements in a range and copies the result to another range C. Searches for a specific element in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Reverses the order of elements in a range and copies the result to another range

EXPLANATION: The std::reverse_copy algorithm in C++ reverses the order of elements in a range and copies the result to another range.

Quiz 122: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Manipulators (Part 8)

Q122. What does the std::right manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Fixes the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers C. Aligns output to the right within the output field D. Converts integers to hexadecimal format during output

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Aligns output to the right within the output field

EXPLANATION: The std::right manipulator in C++ is used to align output to the right within the output field.

Quiz 123: C++ Standard Library File I/O (Part 4)

Q123. How do you read data from a file in C++ using std::ifstream?

OPTION: A. Using the write() member function B. Using the output() member function C. Using the read() member function D. Using the open() member function

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Using the read() member function

EXPLANATION: In C++, you can read data from a file using the read() member function of std::ifstream.

Quiz 124: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 14)

Q124. What does the std::fill algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Fills a range with a specified value C. Searches for a specific element in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Fills a range with a specified value

EXPLANATION: The std::fill algorithm in C++ fills a range with a specified value.

Quiz 125: C++ Standard Library String (Part 6)

Q125. What is the purpose of the std::substr function in C++?

OPTION: A. Converts a string to an integer B. Extracts a substring from a string C. Converts a string to uppercase D. Converts a string to a double

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Extracts a substring from a string

EXPLANATION: The std::substr function in C++ is used to extract a substring from a string.

Quiz 126: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Formatting (Part 9)

Q126. What does the std::hexfloat manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Converts integers to hexadecimal format during output C. Converts floating-point numbers to hexadecimal format during output D. Converts characters to uppercase

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Converts floating-point numbers to hexadecimal format during output

EXPLANATION: The std::hexfloat manipulator in C++ is used to convert floating-point numbers to hexadecimal format during output.

Quiz 127: C++ Standard Library Containers (Part 7)

Q127. What is the purpose of std::deque in C++?

OPTION: A. Represents a dynamic array B. Represents a linked list C. Represents a last-in, first-out (LIFO) container D. Represents a double-ended queue

CORRECT ANSWER: D. Represents a double-ended queue

EXPLANATION:std::deque in C++ represents a double-ended queue.

Quiz 128: C++ Standard Library Threading (Part 7)

Q128. What is the purpose of std::lock_guard in C++?

OPTION: A. Allocates memory for threads B. Coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition C. Synchronizes access to shared resources using RAII D. Handles exceptions in threads

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Synchronizes access to shared resources using RAII

EXPLANATION:std::lock_guard in C++ is used to synchronize access to shared resources using RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization).

Quiz 129: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 15)

Q129. What does the std::rotate algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Rotates elements in a range to the left by a specified position C. Searches for a specific element in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Rotates elements in a range to the left by a specified position

EXPLANATION: The std::rotate algorithm in C++ rotates elements in a range to the left by a specified position.

Quiz 130: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Manipulators (Part 9)

Q130. What does the std::dec manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Converts integers to hexadecimal format during output C. Converts characters to uppercase D. Converts integers to decimal format during output

CORRECT ANSWER: D. Converts integers to decimal format during output

EXPLANATION: The std::dec manipulator in C++ is used to convert integers to decimal format during output.

Quiz 131: C++ Standard Library Smart Pointers (Part 8)

Q131. What is the purpose of std::weak_ptr in C++?

OPTION: A. Manages ownership of a single dynamically allocated object B. Provides weak ownership of a dynamically allocated object without affecting its lifetime C. Allows multiple pointers to share ownership of an object D. Represents a non-owning reference to an object

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Provides weak ownership of a dynamically allocated object without affecting its lifetime

EXPLANATION:std::weak_ptr in C++ provides weak ownership of a dynamically allocated object without affecting its lifetime, often used to prevent circular references.

Quiz 132: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 16)

Q132. What does the std::replace algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Replaces all occurrences of a value in a range with another value C. Searches for a specific element in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Replaces all occurrences of a value in a range with another value

EXPLANATION: The std::replace algorithm in C++ replaces all occurrences of a specified value in a range with another value.

Quiz 133: C++ Standard Library File I/O (Part 5)

Q133. What does the std::ios::ate flag do in C++ file handling?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Opens the file in append mode C. Sets the file position at the end when opening a file D. Performs binary file I/O operations

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Sets the file position at the end when opening a file

EXPLANATION: The std::ios::ate flag in C++ file handling sets the file position at the end when opening a file.

Quiz 134: C++ Standard Library String (Part 7)

Q134. What is the purpose of the std::find function in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Finds the first occurrence of a value in a range C. Searches for a specific element in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Finds the first occurrence of a value in a range

EXPLANATION: The std::find function in C++ is used to find the first occurrence of a specified value in a range.

Quiz 135: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Formatting (Part 10)

Q135. What does the std::showbase manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Shows the base prefix for integral values during output C. Converts floating-point numbers to hexadecimal format during output D. Converts integers to decimal format during output

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Shows the base prefix for integral values during output

EXPLANATION: The std::showbase manipulator in C++ is used to show the base prefix for integral values during output.

Quiz 136: C++ Standard Library Threading (Part 8)

Q136. What is the purpose of std::condition_variable_any in C++?

OPTION: A. Coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition B. Provides weak ownership of a dynamically allocated object C. Represents a non-owning reference to an object D. Allows condition variables to work with any lock type

CORRECT ANSWER: D. Allows condition variables to work with any lock type

EXPLANATION:std::condition_variable_any in C++ allows condition variables to work with any lock type, providing flexibility in multithreading scenarios.

Quiz 137: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 17)

Q137. What does the std::for_each algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Applies a function to each element in a range C. Searches for a specific element in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Applies a function to each element in a range

EXPLANATION: The std::for_each algorithm in C++ applies a specified function to each element in a range.

Quiz 138: C++ Standard Library Smart Pointers (Part 9)

Q138. What is the purpose of std::shared_timed_mutex in C++?

OPTION: A. Coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition B. Synchronizes access to shared resources with timed lock capabilities C. Provides weak ownership of a dynamically allocated object D. Represents a non-owning reference to an object

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Synchronizes access to shared resources with timed lock capabilities

EXPLANATION:std::shared_timed_mutex in C++ synchronizes access to shared resources with timed lock capabilities, allowing multiple threads to share access with specified timeouts.

Quiz 139: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Manipulators (Part 11)

Q139. What does the std::uppercase manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Fixes the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers C. Converts characters to uppercase D. Aligns output to the left within the output field

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Converts characters to uppercase

EXPLANATION: The std::uppercase manipulator in C++ is used to convert characters to uppercase during output.

Quiz 140: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 18)

Q140. What does the std::is_sorted algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Checks if a range is sorted in ascending order C. Searches for a specific element in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Checks if a range is sorted in ascending order

EXPLANATION: The std::is_sorted algorithm in C++ checks if a range is sorted in ascending order.

Quiz 141: C++ Standard Library String (Part 8)

Q141. What is the purpose of the std::find_first_of function in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Finds the first occurrence of a value in a range C. Finds the first occurrence of any of a set of values in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Finds the first occurrence of any of a set of values in a range

EXPLANATION: The std::find_first_of function in C++ is used to find the first occurrence of any of a set of values in a range.

Quiz 142: C++ Standard Library Threading (Part 9)

Q142. What is the purpose of std::async in C++ with std::launch::deferred?

OPTION: A. Allocates memory for tasks B. Executes a function synchronously when the std::future is first requested C. Defines thread priorities D. Performs file I/O operations

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Executes a function synchronously when the std::future is first requested

EXPLANATION: When std::async is used with std::launch::deferred, the function is executed synchronously when the std::future is first requested.

Quiz 143: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Formatting (Part 12)

Q143. What does the std::nouppercase manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Fixes the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers C. Leaves characters in lowercase during output D. Converts integers to decimal format during output

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Leaves characters in lowercase during output

EXPLANATION: The std::nouppercase manipulator in C++ is used to leave characters in lowercase during output.

Quiz 144: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 19)

Q144. What does the std::partition_copy algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Copies elements from a range to two different ranges based on a condition C. Searches for a specific element in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Copies elements from a range to two different ranges based on a condition

EXPLANATION: The std::partition_copy algorithm in C++ copies elements from a range to two different ranges based on a specified condition.

Quiz 145: C++ Standard Library Containers (Part 8)

Q145. What is the purpose of std::priority_queue in C++?

OPTION: A. Represents a dynamic array B. Represents a linked list C. Represents a last-in, first-out (LIFO) container D. Represents a priority queue

CORRECT ANSWER: D. Represents a priority queue

EXPLANATION:std::priority_queue in C++ represents a priority queue, where elements are dequeued based on their priority.

Quiz 146: C++ Standard Library File I/O (Part 6)

Q146. How do you close a file in C++ using std::ofstream?

OPTION: A. Using the close() member function B. Using the exit() function C. Using the end() member function D. Closing automatically when the object goes out of scope

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Using the close() member function

EXPLANATION: In C++, you can close a file using the close() member function of std::ofstream.

Quiz 147: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 20)

Q147. What does the std::is_partitioned algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Checks if a range is partitioned based on a condition C. Searches for a specific element in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Checks if a range is partitioned based on a condition

EXPLANATION: The std::is_partitioned algorithm in C++ checks if a range is partitioned based on a specified condition.

Quiz 148: C++ Standard Library String (Part 9)

Q148. What is the purpose of the std::find_end function in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Finds the first occurrence of a value in a range C. Finds the last subsequence of values in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Finds the last subsequence of values in a range

EXPLANATION: The std::find_end function in C++ is used to find the last subsequence of values in a range.

Quiz 149: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Formatting (Part 13)

Q149. What does the std::setprecision manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Fixes the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers C. Converts integers to decimal format during output D. Sets the precision for floating-point numbers during output

CORRECT ANSWER: D. Sets the precision for floating-point numbers during output

EXPLANATION: The std::setprecision manipulator in C++ is used to set the precision for floating-point numbers during output.

Quiz 150: C++ Standard Library Threading (Part 10)

Q150. What is the purpose of std::unique_lock in C++?

OPTION: A. Coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition B. Synchronizes access to shared resources with more flexibility than std::lock_guard C. Defines thread priorities D. Represents a single thread of execution

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Synchronizes access to shared resources with more flexibility than std::lock_guard

EXPLANATION:std::unique_lock in C++ is used to synchronize access to shared resources with more flexibility than std::lock_guard. It allows for deferred locking and unlocking and can be used with condition variables.

Quiz 151: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 21)

Q151. What does the std::adjacent_find algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Finds the first occurrence of a value in a range C. Finds the first pair of adjacent elements satisfying a condition D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Finds the first pair of adjacent elements satisfying a condition

EXPLANATION: The std::adjacent_find algorithm in C++ is used to find the first pair of adjacent elements in a range that satisfy a specified condition.

Quiz 152: C++ Standard Library Smart Pointers (Part 10)

Q152. What is the purpose of std::owner_less in C++?

OPTION: A. Manages ownership of a single dynamically allocated object B. Compares the owner of two std::shared_ptr objects C. Provides weak ownership of a dynamically allocated object D. Represents a non-owning reference to an object

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Compares the owner of two std::shared_ptr objects

EXPLANATION:std::owner_less in C++ is used to compare the owner of two std::shared_ptr objects, providing a comparison function for std::shared_ptr instances.

Quiz 153: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 22)

Q153. What does the std::sample algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Samples a specified number of random elements from a range C. Searches for a specific element in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Samples a specified number of random elements from a range

EXPLANATION: The std::sample algorithm in C++ is used to sample a specified number of random elements from a range.

Quiz 154: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Formatting (Part 14)

Q154. What does the std::left manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Fixes the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers C. Aligns output to the left within the output field D. Converts integers to hexadecimal format during output

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Aligns output to the left within the output field

EXPLANATION: The std::left manipulator in C++ is used to align output to the left within the output field.

Quiz 155: C++ Standard Library File I/O (Part 7)

Q155. How do you check if a file is open in C++ using std::ifstream?

OPTION: A. Using the is_open() member function B. Using the open() member function C. Using the close() member function D. Checking the file size

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Using the is_open() member function

EXPLANATION: In C++, you can check if a file is open using the is_open() member function of std::ifstream.

Quiz 156: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 23)

Q156. What does the std::minmax algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Finds the minimum element in a range B. Finds the maximum element in a range C. Finds both the minimum and maximum elements in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Finds both the minimum and maximum elements in a range

EXPLANATION: The std::minmax algorithm in C++ is used to find both the minimum and maximum elements in a range.

Quiz 157: C++ Standard Library String (Part 10)

Q157. What is the purpose of the std::replace_if function in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Replaces all elements in a range with a specified value C. Replaces elements in a range satisfying a condition with a specified value D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Replaces elements in a range satisfying a condition with a specified value

EXPLANATION: The std::replace_if function in C++ is used to replace elements in a range that satisfy a specified condition with a specified value.

Quiz 158: C++ Standard Library Input/Output Manipulators (Part 15)

Q158. What does the std::hex manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Converts integers to hexadecimal format during output C. Converts floating-point numbers to hexadecimal format during output D. Converts characters to uppercase

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Converts integers to hexadecimal format during output

EXPLANATION: The std::hex manipulator in C++ is used to convert integers to hexadecimal format during output.

Quiz 159: C++ Standard Library Threading (Part 11)

Q159. What is the purpose of std::packaged_task in C++?

OPTION: A. Allocates memory for tasks B. Coordinates the execution of threads based on a condition C. Represents a task that can be executed asynchronously D. Defines thread priorities

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Represents a task that can be executed asynchronously

EXPLANATION:std::packaged_task in C++ represents a task that can be executed asynchronously and is associated with a std::future or std::shared_future.

Quiz 160: C++ Standard Library Algorithms (Part 24)

Q160. What does the std::copy_backward algorithm do in C++?

OPTION: A. Sorts elements in a range B. Copies elements from one range to another in reverse order C. Searches for a specific element in a range D. Transforms a container by applying a function to each element

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Copies elements from one range to another in reverse order

EXPLANATION: The std::copy_backward algorithm in C++ copies elements from one range to another in reverse order.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 1)

Q161. Which of the following is not a linear data structure?

OPTION: A. Array B. Linked List C. Stack D. Tree


EXPLANATION: Trees are hierarchical data structures, not linear.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 2)

Q162. In a doubly linked list, each node contains:

OPTION: A. Only the next pointer B. Only the previous pointer C. Both next and previous pointers D. Data only

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Both next and previous pointers

EXPLANATION: In a doubly linked list, each node contains both next and previous pointers.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 3)

Q163. What is the time complexity of searching for an element in a binary search tree (BST) with nn nodes in the worst case?

OPTION: A. O(1) B. O(log n) C. O(n) D. O(n log n)


EXPLANATION: Binary search trees provide logarithmic time complexity for searching in the average and worst cases.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 4)

Q164. Which data structure uses LIFO (Last In, First Out) order?

OPTION: A. Queue B. Stack C. Linked List D. Tree


EXPLANATION: Stacks follow the Last In, First Out (LIFO) order.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 5)

Q165. In a priority queue, elements are removed based on:

OPTION: A. Random order B. First In, First Out (FIFO) order C. Last In, First Out (LIFO) order D. Priority order

CORRECT ANSWER: D. Priority order

EXPLANATION: Priority queues remove elements based on their priority.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 6)

Q166. Which of the following is a dynamic data structure?

OPTION: A. Array B. Linked List C. Stack D. Queue


EXPLANATION: Linked lists are dynamic data structures as their size can change during program execution.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 7)

Q167. What is the purpose of a hash function in a hash table?

OPTION: A. To rearrange elements in sorted order B. To map data to an array index C. To remove duplicates from the data D. To perform bitwise XOR on elements

CORRECT ANSWER: B. To map data to an array index

EXPLANATION: A hash function maps data to an array index in a hash table.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 8)

Q168. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using an array?

OPTION: A. Fixed size B. Dynamic size C. Efficient random access D. Easy insertion and deletion


EXPLANATION: Arrays have a fixed size, which can be a disadvantage when the size needs to change dynamically.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 9)

Q169. In a graph, a vertex can have:

OPTION: A. No edges B. One edge C. Multiple edges D. Only incoming edges

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Multiple edges

EXPLANATION: In a graph, a vertex can be connected to multiple other vertices through edges.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 10)

Q170. Which of the following is a non-linear data structure?

OPTION: A. Array B. Linked List C. Stack D. Graph


EXPLANATION: Graphs are non-linear data structures.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 11)

Q171. What is the time complexity of inserting an element at the end of a singly linked list with nn nodes?

OPTION: A. O(1) B. O(log n) C. O(n) D. O(n^2)


EXPLANATION: In a singly linked list, to insert an element at the end, you may need to traverse the entire list, resulting in a linear time complexity of O(n).

Data Structures in C++ (Part 12)

Q172. Which sorting algorithm has a time complexity of O(n log n) in the average and worst cases?

OPTION: A. Bubble Sort B. Insertion Sort C. Selection Sort D. Merge Sort


EXPLANATION: Merge Sort has a time complexity of O(n log n) in both the average and worst cases.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 13)

Q173. The process of converting a data structure into a linear form is known as:

OPTION: A. Traversal B. Conversion C. Linearization D. Compression

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Linearization

EXPLANATION: Linearization is the process of converting a data structure into a linear form.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 14)

Q174. Which of the following is an application of a stack data structure?

OPTION: A. Expression evaluation B. Shortest path finding C. Hashing D. Priority queue implementation

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Expression evaluation

EXPLANATION: Stacks are commonly used for expression evaluation, such as in arithmetic expressions.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 15)

Q175. What is the time complexity of searching for an element in a hash table on average?

OPTION: A. O(1) B. O(log n) C. O(n) D. O(n log n)


EXPLANATION: On average, searching for an element in a hash table has constant time complexity O(1).

Data Structures in C++ (Part 16)

Q176. In a binary tree, each node can have a maximum of:

OPTION: A. One child B. Two children C. Three children D. No children

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Two children

EXPLANATION: In a binary tree, each node can have at most two children, one left child and one right child.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 17)

Q177. Which of the following is a dynamic programming technique used to optimize recursive algorithms?

OPTION: A. Breadth-First Search (BFS) B. Depth-First Search (DFS) C. Memoization D. Binary Search

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Memoization

EXPLANATION:Memoization is a dynamic programming technique that involves storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 18)

Q178. What is the primary purpose of a heap data structure?

OPTION: A. Sorting elements in ascending order B. Sorting elements in descending order C. Maintaining a priority queue D. Storing elements in a linear form

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Maintaining a priority queue

EXPLANATION: Heaps are often used for implementing priority queues.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 19)

Q179. Which of the following is a hash function collision resolution technique?

OPTION: A. Linear probing B. Breadth-First Search (BFS) C. Depth-First Search (DFS) D. QuickSort

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Linear probing

EXPLANATION: Linear probing is a technique used to resolve collisions in hash tables by searching for the next available slot in a linear fashion.

Data Structures in C++ (Part 20)

Q180. Which searching algorithm works by repeatedly dividing the search space in half?

OPTION: A. Linear Search B. Binary Search C. Depth-First Search (DFS) D. Breadth-First Search (BFS)

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Binary Search

EXPLANATION: Binary Search works by dividing the search space in half with each step, making it efficient for sorted arrays or lists.

C++ Programming Language (Part 21)

Q181. In C++, what is the purpose of the const keyword when used with a function?

OPTION: A. Marks the function as constant B. Marks the function as a constructor C. Marks the function as a destructor D. Marks the function as static

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Marks the function as constant

EXPLANATION: The const keyword when used with a function indicates that the function does not modify the object it is called on.

C++ Programming Language (Part 22)

Q182. What is the purpose of the typeid operator in C++?

OPTION: A. Returns the type of an expression B. Returns the size of a variable C. Returns the address of a variable D. Returns the value of a variable

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Returns the type of an expression

EXPLANATION: The typeid operator in C++ returns the type information of an expression.

C++ Programming Language (Part 23)

Q183. What is the role of the friend keyword in C++?

OPTION: A. Declares a function as a friend function B. Declares a variable as a friend variable C. Declares a class as a friend class D. Declares a member function as static

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Declares a class as a friend class

EXPLANATION: The friend keyword in C++ is used to declare a class as a friend class, allowing it to access the private and protected members of another class.

C++ Programming Language (Part 24)

Q184. What does the this pointer represent in C++?

OPTION: A. The pointer to the base class B. The pointer to the derived class C. The pointer to the current object D. The pointer to the global object

CORRECT ANSWER: C. The pointer to the current object

EXPLANATION: The this pointer in C++ represents the pointer to the current object within a member function.

C++ Programming Language (Part 25)

Q185. In C++, what is the purpose of the virtual keyword in a base class function?

OPTION: A. Marks the function as constant B. Marks the function as a constructor C. Declares a pure virtual function D. Enables dynamic polymorphism

CORRECT ANSWER: D. Enables dynamic polymorphism

EXPLANATION: The virtual keyword in C++ is used to enable dynamic polymorphism through function overriding in derived classes.

C++ Programming Language (Part 26)

Q186. What is the purpose of the delete operator in C++?

OPTION: A. Deletes a variable B. Deletes a file C. Frees memory allocated by new D. Deletes a function

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Frees memory allocated by new

EXPLANATION: The delete operator in C++ is used to free the memory that was allocated using the new operator.

C++ Programming Language (Part 27)

Q187. In C++, what is the purpose of the static keyword when applied to a class member?

OPTION: A. Marks the member as constant B. Marks the member as a constructor C. Makes the member shared among all instances of the class D. Declares the member as virtual

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Makes the member shared among all instances of the class

EXPLANATION: The static keyword, when applied to a class member, makes the member shared among all instances of the class rather than belonging to a specific instance.

C++ Programming Language (Part 28)

Q188. What is the purpose of the explicit keyword in C++?

OPTION: A. Marks a function as explicit B. Marks a constructor as explicit C. Declares a function as virtual D. Declares a function as pure virtual

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Marks a constructor as explicit

EXPLANATION: The explicit keyword in C++ is used to prevent implicit conversions in constructor calls.

C++ Programming Language (Part 29)

Q189. In C++, what is the purpose of the inline keyword?

OPTION: A. Declares a function as inline B. Declares a variable as inline C. Declares a class as inline D. Declares a member function as inline

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Declares a function as inline

EXPLANATION: The inline keyword in C++ is used to suggest that a function should be expanded in place at the call site, reducing the overhead of a function call.

C++ Programming Language (Part 30)

Q190. What does the auto keyword infer in C++11 and later?

OPTION: A. Automatic storage duration B. Automatic type deduction C. Automatic constructor call D. Automatic pointer conversion

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Automatic type deduction

EXPLANATION: The auto keyword in C++11 and later is used for automatic type deduction during variable declaration.

C++ Programming Language (Part 31)

Q191. What is the purpose of the decltype keyword in C++?

OPTION: A. Declares a variable B. Declares a function C. Declares a type D. Declares a template

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Declares a type

EXPLANATION: The decltype keyword in C++ is used to declare a type or extract the type of an expression.

C++ Programming Language (Part 32)

Q192. Which of the following is an advantage of using references in C++?

OPTION: A. References cannot be reassigned B. References require explicit memory deallocation C. References have a higher level of indirection D. References are less efficient than pointers

CORRECT ANSWER: A. References cannot be reassigned

EXPLANATION: References in C++ cannot be reassigned after initialization, providing a level of safety.

C++ Programming Language (Part 33)

Q193. What is the purpose of the std::move function in C++?

OPTION: A. Moves an object to a different memory location B. Moves an object to the heap C. Converts an object to a constant D. Converts an object to a temporary

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Moves an object to a different memory location

EXPLANATION: The std::move function in C++ is used to indicate that an object can be moved to a different memory location.

C++ Programming Language (Part 34)

Q194. What is the role of the const_iterator in C++?

OPTION: A. Represents a constant object B. Represents a constant iterator C. Represents a constant member function D. Represents a constant pointer

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Represents a constant iterator

EXPLANATION:const_iterator in C++ is an iterator that cannot be used to modify the elements it points to.

C++ Programming Language (Part 35)

Q195. What is the purpose of the std::initializer_list in C++?

OPTION: A. Represents a constant list B. Represents an array C. Represents an initializer D. Represents an initializer list

CORRECT ANSWER: D. Represents an initializer list

EXPLANATION:std::initializer_list in C++ is used to represent an initializer list, allowing convenient initialization of objects.

C++ Programming Language (Part 36)

Q196. What is the purpose of the explicit keyword when applied to a conversion operator in C++?

OPTION: A. Allows implicit conversions B. Prevents implicit conversions C. Marks a conversion as virtual D. Marks a conversion as pure virtual

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Prevents implicit conversions

EXPLANATION: The explicit keyword, when applied to a conversion operator, prevents implicit conversions.

C++ Programming Language (Part 37)

Q197. Which of the following is an example of a C++ standard library container?

OPTION: A. std::array B. std::enum C. std::function D. std::namespace

CORRECT ANSWER: A. std::array

EXPLANATION:std::array is a C++ standard library container representing a fixed-size array.

C++ Programming Language (Part 38)

Q198. What is the purpose of the std::forward function in C++?

OPTION: A. Moves an object B. Forwards an argument C. Converts an object to a temporary D. Initializes an object

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Forwards an argument

EXPLANATION: The std::forward function in C++ is used to forward an argument, preserving its value category.

C++ Programming Language (Part 39)

Q199. What does the const qualifier indicate in the declaration of a member function in C++?

OPTION: A. The function cannot be called B. The function cannot modify the object C. The function is a constructor D. The function is a destructor

CORRECT ANSWER: B. The function cannot modify the object

EXPLANATION: The const qualifier in the declaration of a member function indicates that the function does not modify the object.

C++ Programming Language (Part 40)

Q200. In C++, what is the purpose of the std::back_inserter function?

OPTION: A. Inserts an element at the front of a container B. Inserts an element at the back of a container C. Inserts an element at a specified position in a container D. Inserts elements into a container through iterators

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Inserts an element at the back of a container

EXPLANATION: The std::back_inserter function in C++ is used to insert an element at the back of a container using iterators.

C++ Programming Language (Part 41)

Q201. What is the purpose of the const_cast operator in C++?

OPTION: A. Converts a variable to a constant B. Converts a constant to a variable C. Converts a variable to a temporary D. Converts a temporary to a variable

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Converts a constant to a variable

EXPLANATION: The const_cast operator in C++ is used to add or remove the const qualifier from a variable.

C++ Programming Language (Part 42)

Q202. What does the std::nothrow parameter do when used with the new operator in C++?

OPTION: A. Allocates memory with exception handling B. Allocates memory without exception handling C. Allocates memory on the heap D. Allocates memory on the stack

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Allocates memory without exception handling

EXPLANATION: When std::nothrow is used with the new operator, it returns a nullptr instead of throwing an exception if the memory allocation fails.

C++ Programming Language (Part 43)

Q203. What is the purpose of the typeid operator when used with std::type_info in C++?

OPTION: A. Retrieves the type name of an object B. Retrieves the size of an object C. Retrieves the address of an object D. Retrieves the value of an object

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Retrieves the type name of an object

EXPLANATION: When used with std::type_info, the typeid operator in C++ retrieves the type name of an object.

C++ Programming Language (Part 44)

Q204. What is the purpose of the std::nothrow parameter when used with the delete operator in C++?

OPTION: A. Deallocates memory with exception handling B. Deallocates memory without exception handling C. Deallocates memory on the heap D. Deallocates memory on the stack

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Deallocates memory without exception handling

EXPLANATION: When std::nothrow is used with the delete operator, it does not throw an exception if the memory deallocation fails.

C++ Programming Language (Part 45)

Q205. In C++, what is the purpose of the std::tie function?

OPTION: A. Ties multiple variables together B. Ties variables to specific values C. Ties multiple functions together D. Ties functions to specific values

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Ties multiple variables together

EXPLANATION: The std::tie function in C++ is used to tie multiple variables together, often in the context of returning multiple values from a function.

C++ Programming Language (Part 46)

Q206. What is the purpose of the std::bitset class in C++?

OPTION: A. Represents a set of bits B. Represents a set of integers C. Represents a set of characters D. Represents a set of floating-point numbers

CORRECT ANSWER: A. Represents a set of bits

EXPLANATION: The std::bitset class in C++ is used to represent a fixed-size set of bits.

C++ Programming Language (Part 47)

Q207. What is the purpose of the std::remove_if algorithm in C++?

OPTION: A. Removes elements from a container B. Removes elements satisfying a condition from a container C. Removes all occurrences of a value from a container D. Removes duplicates from a container

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Removes elements satisfying a condition from a container

EXPLANATION: The std::remove_if algorithm in C++ is used to remove elements from a container based on a specified condition.

C++ Programming Language (Part 48)

Q208. What does the std::endl manipulator do in C++?

OPTION: A. Ends the program B. Ends the line and flushes the output buffer C. Ends the line without flushing the output buffer D. Ends the input stream

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Ends the line and flushes the output buffer

EXPLANATION: The std::endl manipulator in C++ ends the line and flushes the output buffer.

C++ Programming Language (Part 49)

Q209. What is the purpose of the std::async function in C++?

OPTION: A. Synchronizes threads B. Asynchronously executes a function C. Allocates memory for tasks D. Represents a task that can be executed asynchronously

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Asynchronously executes a function

EXPLANATION: The std::async function in C++ is used to asynchronously execute a function and obtain a std::future for the result.

C++ Programming Language (Part 50)

Q210. What is the purpose of the std::hex manipulator in C++?

OPTION: A. Sets the width of the output field B. Converts integers to hexadecimal format during output C. Converts floating-point numbers to hexadecimal format during output D. Converts characters to uppercase

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Converts integers to hexadecimal format during output

EXPLANATION: The std::hex manipulator in C++ is used to convert integers to hexadecimal format during output.

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