How can you insert rows in a table in SQL?

How to Insert Rows in a SQL Table

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Open SQL Editor: First, open the software or tool where you write SQL commands, like SQL Server Management Studio or MySQL Workbench.
  2. Select the Database: Make sure you’ve selected the database where you want to insert the new rows. You can do this by running the following SQL command:sqlCopy codeUSE your_database_name;
  3. Choose the Table: Decide which table you want to add rows to.
  4. Write the SQL Command: Use the INSERT INTO statement to add rows. Here’s the basic structure:
  5. INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...);
    • Replace table_name with the name of your table.
    • List the columns you want to insert data into inside the parentheses after table_name.
    • In the VALUES section, put the actual data you want to insert, matching the order of the columns.
  6. Example: Let’s say you have a table named “students” with columns “id,” “name,” and “age.” To insert a new student with an ID of 1, name “John,” and age 25, you would write:sqlCopy codeINSERT INTO students (id, name, age) VALUES (1, 'John', 25);
  7. Execute the SQL Command: After writing the SQL command, run it in your SQL editor by clicking the “Execute” button.
  8. Verify: Check your table to ensure the new row has been added.


  • Open SQL Editor.
  • Select the Database.
  • Choose the Table.
  • Write the SQL Command using INSERT INTO.
  • Specify the table name and column names.
  • Provide values for the columns.
  • Execute the SQL Command.
  • Verify that the row has been added to the table.

Here’s a table summarizing the steps:

1. Open SQL EditorLaunch your SQL tool.
2. Select DatabaseChoose the desired database.
3. Choose TableDecide on the table to insert into.
4. Write SQLUse INSERT INTO statement.
5. ExampleFollow a sample INSERT command.
6. Execute CommandRun the SQL command.
7. VerifyEnsure the row is in the table.


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