Classification of SQL Commands

SQL: Structured Query Language

SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language, is a powerful tool used to manage and manipulate databases. It allows you to interact with databases to retrieve, insert, update, and delete data. SQL is the language of databases, and it’s essential for anyone working with data.

Classification of SQL Commands

SQL commands are divided into several categories based on their purposes. These categories include:

1. DDL (Data Definition Language):

DDL commands are used to define and manage the structure of a database, including tables, indexes, and constraints. They include:

CREATE: Used to create new database objects like tables. Example:

CREATE TABLE Students ( StudentID INT, FirstName VARCHAR(50), LastName VARCHAR(50) );
  • ALTER: Used to modify existing database objects, such as adding or deleting columns.
  • Example: ALTER TABLE Students ADD Age INT;
  • DROP: Used to delete database objects like tables or indexes. Example: DROP TABLE Students;

2. DML (Data Manipulation Language):

DML commands are used to manipulate data stored in the database. They include:

  • SELECT: Used to retrieve data from one or more tables. Example:SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Students WHERE Age > 18;
  • INSERT: Used to add new data into a table. Example:INSERT INTO Students (FirstName, LastName, Age) VALUES ('John', 'Doe', 20);
  • UPDATE: Used to modify existing data in a table. Example:UPDATE Students SET Age = 21 WHERE FirstName = 'John';
  • DELETE: Used to remove data from a table. Example:DELETE FROM Students WHERE Age < 18;

3. DCL (Data Control Language):

DCL commands are used to manage permissions and access control to the database. They include:

  • GRANT: Used to give specific permissions to users or roles. Example:GRANT SELECT ON Students TO User1;
  • REVOKE: Used to remove permissions from users or roles. Example:REVOKE SELECT ON Students FROM User1;

4. TCL (Transaction Control Language):

TCL commands are used to manage transactions within the database. They include:

  • COMMIT: Used to save all the changes made during the current transaction. Example:COMMIT;
  • ROLLBACK: Used to undo changes made during the current transaction. Example:ROLLBACK;

Summary in Table Format:

DDL (Data Definition Language)CREATE, ALTER, DROPDefine and manage database structureSee examples above
DML (Data Manipulation Language)SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETEManipulate data in the databaseSee examples above
DCL (Data Control Language)GRANT, REVOKEManage permissions and access controlSee examples above
TCL (Transaction Control Language)COMMIT, ROLLBACKManage transactionsSee examples above

SQL is a versatile language that plays a crucial role in working with databases, making it an essential skill for data professionals and developers. Understanding the different categories of SQL commands and their usage is key to effectively managing and extracting value from databases.


Understanding DDL (Data Definition Language) with Examples and Commands

DDL, or Data Definition Language, is a set of commands in a database management system used to define, modify, and manage the structure of the database. It allows you to create, alter, and drop database objects such as tables, indexes, and constraints. Let’s explore DDL with simple explanations and examples:

DDL Commands:

  1. CREATE: This command is used to create new database objects, like tables or indexes.Example: CREATE TABLE Students ( StudentID INT, Name VARCHAR(50), Age INT );
  2. ALTER: It is used to modify the structure of an existing database object.Example:ALTER TABLE Students ADD GPA FLOAT;
  3. DROP: This command is used to delete a database object like a table or index.Example:DROP TABLE Students;
  4. TRUNCATE: It removes all data from a table, but keeps the table structure.Example:TRUNCATE TABLE Students;
  5. RENAME: It changes the name of a database object.Example:ALTER TABLE Students RENAME TO NewStudents;

DDL in Table Format:

Here’s a table summarizing the DDL commands:

CREATECreate a new database objectCREATE TABLE Students ( ... );
ALTERModify an existing database objectALTER TABLE Students ADD GPA FLOAT;
DROPDelete a database objectDROP TABLE Students;
TRUNCATERemove all data from a tableTRUNCATE TABLE Students;
RENAMEChange the name of a database objectALTER TABLE Students RENAME TO NewStudents;

In Brief:

  • DDL, or Data Definition Language, is used for managing the structure of a database.
  • DDL commands include CREATE (for creating), ALTER (for modifying), DROP (for deleting), TRUNCATE (for removing data), and RENAME (for changing names).
  • These commands help in designing and maintaining a well-structured database.

Understanding DDL is crucial for anyone working with databases, as it enables you to create, modify, and manage the essential components of a database system.

Learning about DML (Data Manipulation Language)

What is DML?

  • DML stands for Data Manipulation Language.
  • It’s a part of SQL (Structured Query Language) used to manage and manipulate data in a database.

Why is DML Important?

  • DML helps us interact with a database to retrieve, insert, update, and delete data.
  • It’s essential for working with databases effectively.

Common DML Commands:


  • Used to retrieve data from a database.
  • Example: SELECT * FROM Customers;


  • Used to add new data to a table.
  • Example: INSERT INTO Students (Name, Age) VALUES ('John', 25);


  • Used to modify existing data in a table.
  • Example: UPDATE Products SET Price = 10 WHERE ProductID = 101;


  • Used to remove data from a table.
  • Example: DELETE FROM Orders WHERE OrderID = 1001;

DML in Action:

Suppose we have a “Students” table with the following data:



  1. SELECT Example:
    • SELECT Name, Age FROM Students;
    • This query would return the names and ages of all students in the table.
  2. INSERT Example:
    • INSERT INTO Students (Name, Age) VALUES ('David', 19);
    • This command adds a new student, David, with an age of 19 to the table.
  3. UPDATE Example:
    • UPDATE Students SET Grade = 'A' WHERE Name = 'Alice';
    • This updates Alice’s grade to ‘A’ in the table.
  4. DELETE Example:
    • DELETE FROM Students WHERE Name = 'Bob';
    • This deletes the record of Bob from the table.


  • DML (Data Manipulation Language) is crucial for managing data in databases.
  • It includes commands like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
  • These commands allow you to retrieve, add, modify, and delete data in a structured manner.

Remember, DML is the way you interact with your data in a database, making it a fundamental skill for anyone working with databases.

Understanding Data Control Language (DCL) with Examples and Commands

Data Control Language (DCL) is a set of commands in a database management system that controls access to data stored in a database. It helps in managing who can view, modify, and delete data, ensuring data security and integrity. Let’s explore DCL with simple explanations and examples.

DCL Commands:

  1. GRANT: This command allows you to give specific privileges to users or roles.Example: GRANT SELECT ON employees TO user1; This grants user1 permission to select data from the “employees” table.
  2. REVOKE: Use this command to take away privileges from users or roles.Example: REVOKE INSERT ON orders FROM user2; This revokes the permission for user2 to insert data into the “orders” table.

Practical Examples:

Let’s consider a scenario in which we have a database with a “students” table.

  • You want to allow a user named “teacher” to update student records: GRANT UPDATE ON students TO teacher;
  • Later, you decide to remove this privilege: REVOKE UPDATE ON students FROM teacher;

Summary of DCL:

GRANTGive privileges to users or roles.
REVOKETake away privileges from users.

In conclusion, Data Control Language (DCL) is crucial for managing who can access and manipulate data in a database. Using simple commands like GRANT and REVOKE, you can control data access effectively, ensuring data security and integrity in your database.

Understanding TCL (Transaction Control Language) in SQL

Transaction Control Language (TCL) in SQL is a set of commands that help manage transactions in a database. Transactions are sequences of SQL statements that are executed as a single unit of work. TCL commands ensure that transactions are executed reliably and consistently.

TCL Commands in SQL

Here are the essential TCL commands in SQL, explained with examples:


  • Purpose: To permanently save changes made during the current transaction.
  • Example:BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- SQL statements here COMMIT;


  • Purpose: To undo changes made during the current transaction and return to the last COMMIT point.
  • Example:BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- SQL statements here ROLLBACK;


  • Purpose: To set a savepoint within a transaction, allowing you to roll back to that point if needed.
  • Example:BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- SQL statements here SAVEPOINT my_savepoint; -- More SQL statements ROLLBACK TO my_savepoint;


  • Purpose: To set characteristics for the current transaction.


  • TCL in SQL (Transaction Control Language) manages transactions.
  • Commands: COMMIT saves changes, ROLLBACK undoes changes, SAVEPOINT marks a point for rollback, and SET TRANSACTION sets transaction characteristics.
  • Use wisely: Ensure data integrity and consistency by using TCL commands effectively.

Now, let’s summarize these TCL commands in a table:

COMMITSave changes made in the current transactionBEGIN TRANSACTION;<br />-- SQL statements here<br />COMMIT;
ROLLBACKUndo changes made in the current transactionBEGIN TRANSACTION;<br />-- SQL statements here<br />ROLLBACK;
SAVEPOINTSet a savepoint within a transactionBEGIN TRANSACTION;<br />-- SQL statements here<br />SAVEPOINT my_savepoint;<br />-- More SQL statements<br />ROLLBACK TO my_savepoint;


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