What is Network Security Specialist?

What is Network Security Specialist?

Network Security Specialist A Network Security Specialist is a professional who ensures that computer networks are protected from unauthorized access, misuse, or any other malicious activities. Their main job is…
Windows NT

What is Windows NT ?

Definition Windows NT is an operating system developed by Microsoft. It's designed for both personal and business use. It provides a graphical user interface and a secure, multitasking environment. Key…
Network Maintenance

What do you mean by Network Maintenance?

Network Maintenance Definition-I: Network maintenance refers to the tasks and processes involved in keeping a computer network running smoothly, efficiently, and securely. This includes regular monitoring, troubleshooting, updating, and repairing…
What is Pipe in Linux?

What is Pipe in Linux?

What are pipes? A pipe is a form of communication mechanism in Linux that allows the output of one command to be used as the input for another command. Imagine…
What is Cyber Crime ?

What is Cyber Crime ?

Alright, class, let's dive into our notes on cybercrime. Now, cybercrime might sound like a term from a sci-fi movie, but it's actually something we encounter in our digital lives…
What is I/O redirection in Linux?

What is I/O redirection in Linux?

Input/output redirection in Linux is a way to control where the input for a command comes from and where the output goes. It involves three main streams: Standard Input (stdin):…
what is shell and types of shell in linux?

What is Shell and Types of Shell?

what is shell and types of shell in linux? Definition: The shell in Linux is a command-line interface (CLI) that acts as an intermediary between the user and the operating…