What is Disk Partition in linux?

What is Disk Partition in linux?


A disk partition in Linux is a way to divide a hard drive into separate sections, each of which can be managed and used independently. Think of it like splitting a bookshelf into separate shelves, where each shelf can store different types of books (data) independently.


Imagine you have a 1 TB hard drive. You can partition it into:

  • 200 GB for the operating system (Linux)
  • 300 GB for personal files (like documents, photos, and videos)
  • 500 GB for backup purposes

Important Points:

  1. Purpose of Partitioning:
    • Organize Data: Helps in organizing different types of data.
    • Security: If one partition gets corrupted, others remain unaffected.
    • Multi-boot Systems: Allows installing multiple operating systems on the same hard drive.
  2. Types of Partitions:
    • Primary Partition: A primary storage area. You can have up to four primary partitions.
    • Extended Partition: A special type of partition that can hold multiple logical partitions. Useful when you need more than four partitions.
    • Logical Partition: Partitions inside an extended partition. You can have many logical partitions.
  3. Partition Table:
    • Stores information about the partitions on the hard drive. There are two main types:
      • MBR (Master Boot Record): Traditional partitioning scheme, supports up to 2 TB of disk size and four primary partitions.
      • GPT (GUID Partition Table): Modern partitioning scheme, supports larger disk sizes and more partitions.
  4. Common Partitioning Tools:
    • fdisk: Command-line utility for managing partitions.
    • gparted: Graphical tool for partitioning.
  5. File Systems:
    • After creating a partition, it needs to be formatted with a file system (like ext4, NTFS, FAT32) before you can use it to store files.
  6. Mounting Partitions:
    • To use a partition, it needs to be mounted. This means making the partition accessible to the operating system by linking it to a directory.

Key Points for Examination:

  • Definition: Understand that a disk partition is a division of a hard drive that allows separate management of different sections.
  • Types: Know the difference between primary, extended, and logical partitions.
  • Partition Table: Be aware of MBR and GPT partition tables and their limitations/advantages.
  • Tools: Familiarize yourself with tools like fdisk and gparted.
  • Mounting: Understand the concept of mounting partitions to use them in the operating system.

By knowing these basics, you will have a solid understanding of disk partitions in Linux, which is crucial for managing storage and ensuring data organization and security.

Defination : 2 disk partition in linux


A disk partition in Linux is a way to divide a hard drive into separate sections, each functioning as an independent storage unit. Each partition can be formatted with a different file system and used for different purposes, such as storing system files, user data, or backups.


Consider a 1 TB hard drive that you want to use for various purposes:

  • 200 GB for the operating system and system files.
  • 300 GB for user data such as documents, music, and videos.
  • 400 GB for backups and extra storage.
  • 100 GB for experimenting with another operating system.

The drive can be partitioned as follows:

  1. Primary Partition 1: 200 GB for / (root directory where the OS is installed).
  2. Primary Partition 2: 300 GB for /home (user’s personal files).
  3. Primary Partition 3: 100 GB for a secondary OS.
  4. Extended Partition: 400 GB (contains logical partitions for backups).

Inside the extended partition:

  • Logical Partition 1: 200 GB for backups.
  • Logical Partition 2: 200 GB for extra storage.

Important Points:

  1. Purpose of Partitioning:
    • Organization: Keeps different types of data separate.
    • Efficiency: Improves system performance by isolating system files from user files.
    • Security and Stability: Limits damage; corruption in one partition doesn’t affect others.
    • Multi-boot Configurations: Enables installation of multiple operating systems on the same drive.
  2. Types of Partitions:
    • Primary Partition: A direct partition on the hard drive. Up to four can be created.
    • Extended Partition: Used to overcome the limit of four primary partitions. It can contain multiple logical partitions.
    • Logical Partition: Partitions within an extended partition. Used to create more than four partitions on a drive.
  3. Partition Table:
    • MBR (Master Boot Record):
      • Supports up to 2 TB of disk space.
      • Allows up to four primary partitions or three primary and one extended partition.
    • GPT (GUID Partition Table):
      • Supports disks larger than 2 TB.
      • Allows a virtually unlimited number of partitions (typically up to 128).
      • More robust and includes redundancy for improved reliability.
  4. Partitioning Tools:
    • fdisk: Command-line tool for MBR partitions.
    • gdisk: Command-line tool for GPT partitions.
    • parted: Versatile tool for creating and managing partitions.
    • gparted: GUI-based tool, user-friendly for graphical interface users.
  5. File Systems:
    • After creating a partition, it needs to be formatted with a file system such as ext4 (commonly used in Linux), NTFS (Windows), FAT32 (older systems), or others like Btrfs and XFS.
  6. Mounting Partitions:
    • Mounting: The process of making a partition accessible at a certain point in the directory tree (like /home or /mnt/backup).
    • /etc/fstab: File where mounting information is stored, allowing automatic mounting at boot


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