What is TCP/IP and working of TCP/IP?

What is TCP/IP and working of TCP/IP?

TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. It’s like the language computers use to talk to each other over the internet. TCP/IP is a set of rules that computers follow to send and receive information.

Let’s break it down into simple steps:

  1. Sending Data: Imagine you want to send a message (data) from your computer to a friend’s computer across the internet. Your message gets broken into smaller parts called packets.
  2. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): TCP makes sure that all those packets reach the destination computer in the correct order. It’s like a messenger who ensures that all parts of your message are delivered and assembled properly.
  3. Internet Protocol (IP): IP gives each computer on the internet a unique address, called an IP address. It’s like the postal system, which ensures that your message goes to the right house.
  4. Routing: Your message might not go directly from your computer to your friend’s. It might have to pass through many other computers on the internet. These computers use routers to guide your message along the best path to its destination.
  5. Receiving Data: When your friend’s computer receives all the packets, TCP puts them back in the right order, and your friend sees your message.

Example: Let’s say you’re sending a picture to your friend.

  1. Your computer breaks the picture into small packets.
  2. TCP ensures all packets are sent and received correctly.
  3. IP assigns each packet an address.
  4. Routers guide these packets through the internet.
  5. Your friend’s computer receives all packets, TCP puts them in order, and your friend sees the complete picture.

That’s TCP/IP in action! It’s like the postal service for the internet, making sure your data gets where it needs to go.


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