What is Pipe in Linux?

What is Pipe in Linux?

What are pipes? A pipe is a form of communication mechanism in Linux that allows the output of one command to be used as the input for another command. Imagine…
What is Cyber Crime ?

What is Cyber Crime ?

Alright, class, let's dive into our notes on cybercrime. Now, cybercrime might sound like a term from a sci-fi movie, but it's actually something we encounter in our digital lives…
What is I/O redirection in Linux?

What is I/O redirection in Linux?

Input/output redirection in Linux is a way to control where the input for a command comes from and where the output goes. It involves three main streams: Standard Input (stdin):…
what is shell and types of shell in linux?

What is Shell and Types of Shell?

what is shell and types of shell in linux? Definition: The shell in Linux is a command-line interface (CLI) that acts as an intermediary between the user and the operating…

What are the components of Linux?

Linux is divided into three main components: KERNEL SHELL APPLICATION Kernel: Think of the kernel as the boss of the operating system. It manages the hardware resources of the computer,…
what is input unit

What is Input Unit :

The input unit of a computer is a component responsible for receiving data, commands, and signals from various input devices, such as keyboards, mice, scanners, touchscreens, microphones, and joysticks. Its…
what is linux operating system

What is Linux Operating System:

Linux Operating System: Linux is a type of operating system, just like Windows or macOS. It's special because it's free to use and open for anyone to change and improve.…


Definition: A network operating system (NOS) is a special type of software that helps computers and devices in a network communicate and share resources, like files and printers. Connects Computers:…
What is Network Routing?

What is Network Routing?

What is Network Routing? Network routing is like giving directions to data as it travels through a network of computers. Just like you'd use a map to find the best…