What is the function of ORDER BY clause in SQL?

What is the Use of WHERE Clause with SELECT Statement?


The WHERE clause is a powerful tool in SQL that helps us filter and retrieve specific data from a database table. When used with the SELECT statement, it allows us to extract only the rows that meet certain conditions.

The Purpose of WHERE Clause:

The WHERE clause serves the following purposes when combined with the SELECT statement:

  1. Filtering Data: It helps narrow down the results by specifying conditions that rows must meet to be included in the query result.
  2. Searching: You can use it to search for specific records based on various criteria.
  3. Data Retrieval: It ensures that you retrieve only the data that is relevant to your query, saving time and resources.

How to Use WHERE Clause:

To use the WHERE clause with the SELECT statement, follow these steps:

  1. Write the SELECT Statement: Begin with the SELECT keyword, followed by the columns you want to retrieve.
  2. Specify the Table: Mention the name of the table from which you want to fetch data using the FROM keyword.
  3. Add the WHERE Clause: After specifying the table, use the WHERE keyword followed by the conditions that must be met.
  4. Conditions: Conditions can include comparisons like equals (=), greater than (>), less than (<), and more. You can also use logical operators like AND, OR to combine conditions.


Suppose we have a table called “Students” with columns “Name,” “Age,” and “Grade.”

  • To select all students who are 18 years old: SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Age = 18
  • To select students who are 18 years old and have a grade higher than ‘B’: SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Age = 18 AND Grade > 'B'

Benefits of Using WHERE Clause:

  • Efficiency: It reduces the amount of data retrieved, making queries faster.
  • Precision: You can pinpoint specific information within a large dataset.
  • Customization: Queries can be tailored to your specific needs.


Here’s a brief summary of the use of the WHERE clause with the SELECT statement:

Filtering DataSelect specific rows based on conditions.
SearchingFind records that match certain criteria.
Data RetrievalRetrieve only relevant data, improving speed.
How to UseWrite SELECT, specify table, add WHERE clause.
BenefitsEfficiency, precision, customization.

In summary, the WHERE clause is a valuable tool in SQL that helps us fetch the data we need from a database by applying conditions to filter the results effectively.


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